
what is wireless lan

What is a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)?

What is WLAN WLAN stands for Wireless LAN network. Two devices can communicate wirelessly by using the WLAN technology.  In WLAN there is no cable required between the devices. The devices can communicate by using Wi-Fi and transmit all the data over the Wi-Fi. It’s totally different from the traditional LAN network. Both LAN and Wlan perform the same function but the Lan cable is required between the two devices in order to transmit the data and the WLAN performs the same function without using a cable. It transmits all the data over Wi-Fi. All the new devices come with Wlan technology.  All the new devices use the DHCP technology in order to connect the new devices with the main device. Difference between WLANs and Access Points A WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) allows two or more devices can connect and communicate wirelessly to establish a WLAN within a specific

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how does iot gateway works

What is an IoT gateway and how to choose one?

IoT ecosystem typically consists of end devices, IoT gateways and a cloud platform. Communication between these different components is enabled by means of different communication protocols. The main interest of this article is on IoT gateway which is responsible for translation of these different communication protocols. This is very much the same concept employed in telecommunications emulating the same working principle as your internet router. However, the internet router would connect your home network connected devices with the Local Area Network (LAN) of your Internet Service Provider (ISP), but in the case of an IoT gateway the gateway would connect multiple sensors of different types and configurations to a cloud platform.   IoT Deployment Challenges Now before looking into more details into the working principle of IoT, it is worthwhile looking into some of the deployment challenges that are imposed on IoT systems that leads to use of an IoT

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difference between lora lorawan and sigfox

The difference between LoRaWAN and Sigfox

IoT applications are diversifying in the scale of implementation. Now IoT devices are not connecting to a router in the house to send temperature data but can monitor the soil health of an entire farm. Such scalability is due to the addition of trending LPWAN technologies. LoRa and Sigfox are the frontrunners among non-cellular LPWAN IoT technologies, and here we are comparing them. What is Sigfox? We have introduced what is sigfox in details before, Sigfox is a proprietary LPWAN technology that operates on UNB (Ultra Narrow Band). It operates through one partner per country and on different frequency bands complying with each country, including 868MHz in Europe and 902MHz in the USA. While Sigfox claims to have the highest range of LPWAN (10 to 40 KM), the data rate and bandwidth are quite limited. A Sigfox device can send up to 140 messages a day at 300 bits/s. the

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mesh network topology

What is mesh network and how it works?

What is Mesh Network Mesh network is the new technology in the field of wireless. The main purpose of the mesh network is to transmit the signal of Wi-Fi/internet in every corner of the house. Mesh network creates multiple routes between the connected nodes in order to transmit the information. The data transmit rate in the mesh network is very high compared to a simple network. As the mesh network has too many routes so there is no hurdle in data transmission. So the data is transmitted in the mesh network at a high rate. The mesh-based network topology is mostly used in big organizations and offices and somehow it’s also used in the offices. If any of one node is down in the mesh network the data is transmitted through another node. Multiple routers and switches are used in the large mesh network and these switches and the router

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LoRa vs. NB-IoT Technology

LoRa vs. NB-IoT: Comparison Between Top LPWAN Technologies

Among Low-Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technologies, LoRa & NB-IoT are the front-runners. Both technologies have their own advantages and unique properties, allowing them to coexist and grow simultaneously. This article evaluates both technologies and why they can be game changers for the next decade of IoT implementations. Cellular vs. Non-cellular LPWAN Since the concept of IoT was realized, communication technologies have come a long way. Starting from 2G/3G, IoT and M2M communication was always in need of cheaper, long-range, and sustainable alternatives. LPWAN technologies answer to such a demand. Initially, LoRa, Sigfox, and other non-cellular technologies were the first to introduce LPWAN IoT connectivity. Soon enough, cellular technologies caught up to this vast untapped market through technologies like NB-IoT and LTE-M. Cellular technologies are provided by the existing cellular network providers and, as such, are quite different in terms of technical specifications and business models. However, cellular and non-cellular

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difference between 2.4ghz and 5ghz wifi

2.4GHz Vs. 5GHz Wi-Fi: What’s the difference and which is better

Wireless router uses different frequencies range in order to transmit the data over different devices like computer, laptop, smartphone, etc. Wi-Fi performs better as the frequency value is high. With higher frequency, the data travel at higher rates but covers a small area. The router that operates on 2.4GHz provides more range means to cover a large area but transmit the data at lower rates and the router which operates on 5GHz transmits data at higher rates but covers a smaller area as compared to the router which operates on the 2.4GHz frequency.  Wi-Fi router is built to deliver a specific range of frequencies, so it’s important to think about which Wi-Fi band and the channel would best meet your demands and provide the best performance to the user. Difference between the 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi Routers The major difference between these two types of routers is range and speed. 2.4 GHz-based

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5G vs. WiFi 6 Why are they complementary

5G vs. WiFi 6: Why are they complementary for wireless

Cellular and Wi-Fi technologies have been serving users well since their emergence. Each technology generation introduced new features that improved the user experience more than ever before. Today, the world is entering into the era of 5G networks which is expected to completely revolutionize communication methods in the coming years. 5G network promises to offer higher data rates and lower latency to users. In parallel to the cellular network, Wi-Fi technology is also grabbing the attention of many due to its latest version of Wi-Fi 6 which aims to outperform the previous generations by bringing along new capabilities and support features. Though, 5G technology and Wi-Fi 6 have various differences but they are not meant to compete with each other, rather they can be used together to discover innovative services and meet the user’s demands. In this article, we will unfold the details of 5G and Wi-Fi 6, and discuss

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How does 5G technology enhance IoT

How does 5G technology enhance IoT?

One of the top priorities of service providers is to provide enhanced services to customers. The current LTE-A (Long Term Evolution Advanced) 4G networks have become insufficient to connect a large number of devices with high data speeds, larger bandwidth, higher quality-of-service (QoS), lower latency performance, and interference to different emerging communication technologies such as Internet-of-Things (IoT). IoT is an efficient technology that can accommodate and connect numerous devices simultaneously via the Internet without human intervention. But, such seamless connectivity among devices requires a high data rate and bandwidth which is beyond the scope of current 4G LTE-A networks. 5G technology promises to solve all the speed, connectivity, and capacity limitation issues with its faster data rates and greater capacity features. These advantages and capabilities allow 5G technology to easily accommodate IoT capacity that enables the devices to constantly stay interconnected through Internet. In this article, we will discuss everything

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LPWAN vs LoRaWAN: IoT technologies and their connection

The growing use of IoT in our modern world has brought the spotlight to long-range communication needs. Long-range communication can eventually serve a colossal share of IoT applications for industries and smart cities. As such, LPWAN and LoRaWAN are the two buzzwords in the market. This article covers the meaning, the difference, and the relation between both terms. What is a Low-Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN)? Low-Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) is a network classification for low-power wireless technologies that can cover an extended range. LPWAN technologies generally transmit less data as they are mainly used to connect with sensors and remote node devices. There are a few different LPWAN technologies currently used in the market. Their unique data transmission rate, frequency, licensed band, power consumption, and communication range make them ideal for various applications. LPWAN can transmit farthest with low-power with the help of significantly reduced bandwidth. On the

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what is a wireless bridge and how does it works

What is a wireless bridge and how does it work?

A wireless bridge is a device that connects the two access points or the LAN segments by using infrared or microwave transmission. It connects the two different wireless networks that are separated by distance. In a wireless bridge one endpoint act as a master and the other end act as a slave. In a wireless bridge, the master node determines the frequency of the client side and the link established. A wireless bridge is only directional between points A and B, as opposed to an access point, which provides service to numerous endpoints or devices in a spread of 30 to 360 degrees. They are suitable for many different connectivity options because they may be used across small (a few meters) and long (miles) distances. Most of the wireless bridges are directional but some wireless bridges also transmit the signal in 360 degrees. Wireless bridges are mostly used where the

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Omni-Directional Antenna vs. Directional Antenna

Antennas in modern communication systems are the main facilitators of radio signal transmission. The development of antenna technology over the years has impacted the growth of modern wireless communication. There are two main types of antennas used in the industry today. They are omni-directional and directional antennas. This classification is based on the radiation plot of antennas. Omni-directional antennas have a 360-degree radiation plot while directional antennas have a radiation plot covering a constrained area or a sector of area. In this article, we will discuss the main differences between omni-directional and directional antennas by outlining some of their advantages and disadvantages. This article will help anyone interested in utilizing an antenna for their communication system. What is an omni-directional antenna? The omni-directional antenna is an antenna with a 360-degree radiation plot. These antennas transmit radio signals all over a 360-degree with uniform power. Omni-directional antennas are considered one of

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What is low-power wide area network (LPWAN)

What is Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN)?

The Internet has grown leaps and bounds in the last couple of decades. Now connectivity is not just about devices like smartphones and computers. The Internet of Things (IoT) creates vaster and complex ecosystems and applications. An important part of it is Low-Power Wide Area Network or LPWAN, as we will cover in this article. What is Low-Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN)? Termed as a class of wireless connectivity networks in 2013, Low-Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) covers a handful of wireless network technologies. Essentially, these wireless connectivity technologies have a standard communication range, power consumption, and cost. These characteristics make them an ideal choice for industrial and smart city applications. The key characteristics of LPWAN technologies include: LPWAN technologies offer connectivity ranging from around 3KM to 50KM for urban and rural areas, respectively. Such a range between devices can make it a fit for indoor and outdoor applications where short-range

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