
access point vs wifi extender

Difference Between Access Point and Wi-Fi Range Extender

The use of the internet has increased significantly in recent years. As technology grows the use of mobiles, computers, and Wlan devices is increasing day by day. Due to this increase, industries have a lot of opportunities and as well as constraints in utilizing wireless technology in order to make the best possible use of wireless technologies. Wireless devices or wireless access points are mostly used in offices and also in the home. Wireless technology also facilitates remote-based work. The major devices that are used in wireless technology are the access point and Wi-Fi range extender. Most people get confused while buying the access point or the Wi-Fi exchange extender. Both wireless devices have different requirements and perform different functions. Most people get confused because both devices use the same technology.  Some wireless devices act as a central hub like the access point and some wireless simple boost the existing signal

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what is 4G LTE

What is 4G LTE and why it matters?

Have you ever wondered the reason behind the replacement of each cellular generation, no matter how much revolutionizing it appeared in the beginning? It was the ever-increasing demands of users for more speed and capacity that the cellular network of that time could no longer fulfill. Providing high speed, large capacity, and less delay has always been the top priority of each network operator since the introduction of 1G networks. Today, the world is experiencing the amazing data speeds and broadband services of 4G LTE networks that no one could imagine two decades ago. 4G LTE cellular network has paved way for some of the key-driving technologies of 5G and beyond networks including MIMO technology, LPWAN, and IoT. In this article, you will learn everything about 4G LTE, its features, applications, and the technological advancements it brought along. So, let’s get started: What is 4G LTE? The 4G network was launched

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What are the IEEE 802.11 Standards?

Wireless technology is constantly growing. As the wireless technology is upgraded new standards and new variants of Wi-Fi have been developed. These new standards are developed in order to accommodate the high speed of the internet and it also enhances the performance.  The IEEE 802.11 standard contains a lot of advanced technologies that have been developed in the recent year in the field of the wireless network.  It’s very difficult to understand wireless technology. But The IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi standard makes it easy to understand the wireless technology. To further understand the variations between each IEEE standard, use IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi standards. Why Is IEEE 802.11 Important? Wireless devices follow the same etiquette and politeness standards that individuals do while communicating with others. All the wireless devices follow the IEEE 802.11 standard in order to communicate with the other wireless device.  All these Wi-Fi standards were created by the Institute

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What is Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) and Why it is Faster

What is Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) and Why does it Faster?

Wi-Fi 6 is the latest technology in wireless communication. Wi-Fi 6 is the next generation of Wi-Fi which makes the wireless internet faster than ever before. By using the wifi6 more devices are connected to the wireless network. Wi-Fi 6 provides more reliable connection because it has less congestion. The technology that uses behind the Wifi6 is Mu Mimo, this technology allows multiple users/devices to connect with a single device. Differences between the different generations of Wi-Fi 1. WiFi 4 Wifi 4 is launched in 2009. It follows the (802.11n) IEEE standard. Wifi4 is working on the frequency range of 2.4/5GHz dual band. First time Mimo technology was introduced in the Wifi4. WiFi-4 devices have an indoor range of roughly 70 metres and an outdoor range of about 250 metres. Due to the use of MIMO technology, wifi4 supports data rates up to 72–600 Mbit/s. 2. WiFi 5 Wifi5 is launched in 2014.

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five popular applications of lorawan

Five Most Popular Applications of LoRaWAN

LoRaWAN is among the buzzwords of the IoT industry. The growing use of the technology caught industrial interest for more developments. Especially LoRaWAN is dominantly trusted for long-range and low-cost applications. Therefore, the smart city, industrial IoT, and outdoor applications make the most out of LoRaWAN. This blog covers the five most popular applications of LoRaWAN. Popular applications of LoRaWAN LoRaWAN is unique in its application because of its key characteristics such as longer range, lesser power consumption, cost-effective hardware, scalable network with thousands of nodes, and minor maintenance needs. These key features make LoRaWAN the top logical choice for extended network areas with many remote nodes that are not easily accessible from time to time. Here’s a list of the most popular applications of LoRaWAN communication: 1. Smart Infrastructures Smart infrastructures or smart buildings are one of the most common applications of LoRaWAN as organizations and institutions attempt to

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What is 5G and How It will Change the World

What is 5G and How It will Change the World?

The fifth-generation mobile network is referred to as 5G. It is a brand-new, all-encompassing wireless technology that is compatible with 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G networks. The 5G network is on its way to represent the next generation of wireless cellular networks, beyond the current 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE). It is expected to offer higher data rates of 1-10 Gbps, higher band breadth of 4000 Mbps, 1ms lower latency, 90% energy efficiency, 99.9% reliability, mobile data capacity of 10 Tb, and longer battery life than 4G networks. With unique data broadband services and real-time applications, 5G promises to meet the ever-increasing demands of users providing billions of reliable connections and massive Internet-of-Things (IoT) communication. It will be able to integrate numerous modern technologies and techniques that previous generations could not support due to their limited capacity and compatibility. Who invented and own 5G 5G is part of the evolutionary journey of

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What is Distributed Antenna System (DAS)

What is Distributed Antenna System (DAS)?

With each passing day, the advancements in technology are upgrading the infrastructure and working functionality of mobile communication networks. Since the introduction of 1G, we have been witnessing major revolutions in the world of communication not only in terms of technical modifications but performance and structural improvements as well. Unfortunately, each cellular generation could not sufficiently fulfill the user’s increasing demands of speed, coverage, and capacity. 5G cellular networks promise to mesmerize the entire world with their unreal features and services. Most large organizations and enterprises have already begun to work on ideas that can leverage maximum productivity gains from emerging 5G technological solutions. One of the most innovative and cost-effective solutions that 5G offers for providing consistent signal delivery and facilitating maximum customers is the concept of distributed antenna system (DAS). Now, what is DAS and how does it work? To acquire these answers, let us dive deeper into

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What is Network Switch and How Does it Work?

Networks switches are the core components of Networks. A network switch is an intelligent device that has a function of full-duplex communication and by using the network switch in the industry you can efficiently utilize their bandwidth. Today networks are essential for delivering entertainment to the user end, for supporting the business, and also supports all types of communication. What is Network Switch? A network switch is a device that runs on layer 2 (Data Link Layer) of the OSI Model.  A router or the other user end device that is physically connected with the ports of the network switch directly sends packets to the port of the network switch and the network switch sends them out to the other port of the switch that is directly connected with the internet. Nowa day’s network switch also runs on layer 3 of the OSI Model. Layer 3 network also handles the

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difference between modem and router

Difference Between Router and Modem

Modem is small device that mostly used in the home network. A modem is a device that connects the office or home network to the internet. Router is also a small device but it connects multiple devices or computers to the internet at the same time wired or wirelessly. Nowadays both devices are provided by the internet service provider. Modems or routers are essential devices for the internet connection. The home or office network is directly connected to the internet by using the modem or router. Although most people are puzzled when they are trying to find the modem or router, both devices play distinct roles in the network, In this article learn about the differences between modems and routers, but first learn about what a modem and a router are, how they work, their features and what makes them different. What is Modem A Modem is a device that maintains

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Everything you need to know about LoRaWAN gateways

Everything You Need to Know About LoRaWAN Gateways

The implementation of the Internet of Things is trending more than ever. At this point, Cisco predicts that there will be 500 Billion IoT devices by 2030. This number exhibits wireless communication technologies’ growth in the last few years. LoRaWAN is among the critical long-distance communication applications. Therefore, it is essential to understand what a LoRaWAN gateway is and its role in such IoT applications. What is a LoRaWAN gateway? LoRa is a communication network that can perfectly serve an IoT system’s long-range and low-power needs. A LoRaWAN gateway is a key behind any LoRaWAN system. A LoRaWAN gateway facilitates communication between end-nodes (like sensors) and the LoRaWAN network server. With a LoRaWAN antenna module, these gateways can communicate with the node devices within the LoRa network to collect their data. Data from these electrical devices can then be transmitted to the network server through Cellular, Ethernet, or Wi-Fi internet. The

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What is MIMO Technology and How does it Work?

There is an ongoing search for better quality and capacity in wireless communication. Mimo stands for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output. Mimo is the latest wireless technology that uses today. The use of Smart Antenna technology in wireless communication systems has created new opportunities for increasing the capacity of bandwidth. Point to point is the old technology and it has more chance of jamming. In point-to-point wireless technology, there is less transmission speed as compared to Mimo. Multi-input and Multi-output solve all the wireless problems and offer a big advantage. Mimo contains two or more individual antennas that is connected to single wireless device. Mimo has not required any scattering environment because every active terminal uses every time-frequency bin. Multiple transmitters and receivers are used in the Mimo (Multiple input Multiple outputs) wireless technology which helps in transferring more data at the same time. By having more antennas the device is capable of delivering the

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Five LoRa Applications to Solve Environment Challenges

Five LoRa Applications to Solve Environment Challenges

LoRa is among the few technologies whose potential applications and use cases can play a significant role in preserving the environment. The unique abilities of LoRa to connect day-to-day activities with the internet can offer a unique advantage for monitoring and controlling applications. This blog covers different LoRa applications that can address environmental challenges. Why do we need LoRa applications to save the environment? LoRa, as the name suggests, is a long-range radio communication method, one of the popular technologies in Low-Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN). The fundamental ability of LoRa to connect a set of distant devices to the Internet is a crucial player in environmental use cases. Here are several benefits of using LoRa to save the environment: These advantages of LoRa make it an easier choice for sustainability applications. LoRa applications can serve many industries with these advantages, as given below. Industries where LoRa applications can be impactful

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