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what is lte m and how it compares to nb-iot

What is LTE-M and How it Compares to NB-IoT?

What is LTE-M? Internet of Things (IoT) applications that are deployed in Wide Area Networks require reliable communication protocols. LTE-M or LTE-Cat M1 is a such WAN protocol. It belongs to the Low Power WAN (LPWAN) family where other technologies such as LoRa and NB-IoT belong. It can be considered a cellular technology-based competitor to other LPWAN technologies specifically aimed at realizing WAN IoT applications. It was first released in Release 13 by 3GPP in 2016. The significance of LTE-M is its lower bandwidth applications in connecting resource-limited devices over a WAN. LTE-M relies on the existing cellular infrastructure, thus reducing the overhead cost of setting up new infrastructure. LTE-M can provide a data rate of up to 4Mbps as per Release 14. How does LTE-M work? LTE-M unlike its cellular counterparts like LTE, is focused on IoT and M2M applications over a Wide Area Network. For this purpose, LTE-M has

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what is machine to machine m2m

What is Machine to Machine (M2M)?

What is M2M? M2M stands for machine-to-machine communication systems. It defines the communication between different machines without human intervention. The motivation for such a system of networked devices was prominent with the development of internet and wireless technologies. The first industrial sector to adopt M2M communications was the manufacturing factories and plants. However, these implementations were not 100% on par with the formal definition of M2M communication. Since, there was still human intervention in the processes, the definition of M2M needed zero human intervention. With the advancement of the internet, automation, and wireless technologies, the face of M2M transformed over the years. It also got expanded to many other sectors of applications such as healthcare, agriculture, and the automation industry. The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the technological revolutions that appeared, which has roots in M2M communication systems. How M2M works? When considering the working mechanism behind M2M, communication mechanisms

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